Challis Community Trails Action Plan

This action plan has been created over the past 2 years and was adopted in January of 2019. The City of Challis and Challis BLM have taken a lead role in this project with oversight from an National Park Service Planning Assistance Grant, local users and stake-holders make up the rest of the cTc, Challis Community Trails Group. The Salmon Challis Forest, Idaho Parks and Recreation, and the S/C Trails group have supported the effort as well. 

Challis Community Trails Action Plan

For those people who love our Salmon Challis Trails and want to contribute in a different way, your donation can help us by: 

· Providing match. The Salmon Challis Trails Group has been working with Lemhi County in applying for  Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grants and we must cover 20% of the cost. By making a tax deductible donation you, the trail user, ensure these projects move forward. 

· Supporting volunteers. YEP maintains a trailer with tools for volunteers. We also provide items like T-shirts, hats, water bottles, and food at our volunteer workdays.  

· Training. Donations will help us provide first aid, CPR, saw training and more to ensure the safety and well-being of our trail stewards.  
