Lemhi County Recreation Lease


It all started when…

Lemhi County signed a lease for 340 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land in 1990. With a vague description of uses and little oversight the lease area provided recreation area on BLM managed properties for Radio Controlled Aircraft, Moto-cross track and a Go-cart Track.

Since 2019 the lease has been expired for 8 years and the BLM desires to renew the lease. To do that the S/C Trails Group has agreed to assist Lemhi County in engaging the public to provide input to this much used facility.

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Now as local and regional advocates rally around this project we hope to renew the original lease and then begin work on creating a master plan for an expanded version the area that will include the Moto X track as well as an additional XC opportunity. In March of 2019, Youth Employment Program (YEP) began meeting with a group of eight local youth who use the facility and are engaging in working with the county and BLM to build said master plan.

If you would like to be involved in this project please use to contact form.

For those people who love our Salmon Challis Trails and want to contribute in a different way, your donation can help us by: 

· Providing match. The Salmon Challis Trails Group has been working with Lemhi County in applying for  Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grants and we must cover 20% of the cost. By making a tax deductible donation you, the trail user, ensure these projects move forward. 

· Supporting volunteers. YEP maintains a trailer with tools for volunteers. We also provide items like T-shirts, hats, water bottles, and food at our volunteer workdays.  

· Training. Donations will help us provide first aid, CPR, saw training and more to ensure the safety and well-being of our trail stewards.  
