
Salmon/Challis National Forest

The Salmon Challis has been involved with the 2L Trails group meetings since 2012. In 2017 the Salmon Challis approached our group with the concept of of creating a local Adopt-A-Trail program for the Salmon Challis. 2018 was about brainstorming and collaboration with the hopes of launching an AAT program in 2019.


Challis Region of Bureau of land Management

The Salmon and Challis field offices of the BLM both have a proactive history for improving and creating new trail opportunities. Liz Townley while working for the BLM actually helped to found the original 2L trails group back in 2011.

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Idaho Parks and RECREATION

IDPR is hands down one of the biggest trail advocates in the state of Idaho. They are consistently coming up with innovative ways to create funding for motorized and non-motorized trails, a mechanical trail building program and trail rangers dirt-bike/chainsaw program they put millions of dollars and value on Idaho trails annually.


Lemhi County

Lemhi County


City of Challis



City of Salmon



City of Leadore


For those people who love our Salmon Challis Trails and want to contribute in a different way, your donation can help us by: 

· Providing match. The Salmon Challis Trails Group has been working with Lemhi County in applying for  Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grants and we must cover 20% of the cost. By making a tax deductible donation you, the trail user, ensure these projects move forward. 

· Supporting volunteers. YEP maintains a trailer with tools for volunteers. We also provide items like T-shirts, hats, water bottles, and food at our volunteer workdays.  

· Training. Donations will help us provide first aid, CPR, saw training and more to ensure the safety and well-being of our trail stewards.  
